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Posts published in “Stress”

Alternative Ways To Fight Stress

There are a lot of effective ways to fight stress. However, in recent years, some of these methods no longer produce the desired effect expected by some people. In those cases, alternative ways to relieve stress must be identified ad applied.

Adjustable Beds are Stress Busters

Adjustable beds are stress busting wonder machines. Quite a statement to make until you sit back and examine precisely what stress is and how an adjustable bed can help you cope with it. The first thing to keep in mind is that there are millions of people who have absolutely no stress at all and have no need whatsoever for an adjustable bed

A Stress Management Game Or Just Another Game Of The Management?

How can stress be controlled and eliminated? Stress can be eliminated by two methods- physically or mentally. Well, appropriate methods will have to be applied at the appropriate time to eliminate stress. The person with whom you use this method with must have the capacity to absorb it and emulate it on a permanent basis.

Since stress has been accepted as a part of life (there are different types and levels of stresses at different stages of life), there are numerous cours...

A Simple Tip For When You’re Stressed

This is a fantastic tip from Touch For Health to help you when you're stressed, angry, anxious or upset. Try holding your frontal eminences. These are bumps on your forehead that many people hold instinctively when they're upset.

For those of you who don't do this naturally, let me help you locate them. Feel up from the middle of your eyebrows going towards your hairline. Your forehead comes outwards before it curves back in towards the hairline. Hold your forehead at the ...

A Plan For Managing Stress

It is hard for you to find a place to work that does not have some stress. This explains why you have to come up with a plan to manage your stress. It needs to be easily remembered and one that is able to be started with minimal supplies.

Are you looking for one for your company? Are you finding yourself is places that are causing stress but, have no way to deal with it? You will want to continue reading this article!

Stress and anger are together a lot and work is the ...

A More Practical Stress Management

Stress is a person’s physical and mental response to environmental pressure. The body has a built in physical reaction to stressful events. When a person encounters pressure, challenge or danger, he needs to respond quickly and the body elicits hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

This hormones form part of the so called “fight and flight” response, which affects the rate of metabolism, heart beat and blood pressure resulting to a heightened state, that signals the bo...
