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Posts published in “Stress”

6 Steps To Stress Avoidance

Anything taken too much is bad for the health, and the long term effects of stress are well documented, which is why it is such an important area. As with everything in life prevention is always better than cure so I have provided 6 steps to help you avoid becoming stressful.

A little stress is actually good, as it could serve to help you function at your best. However, stress that seems a little too much could take a physical, as well as mental, toll to your body. Stress ...

6 Simple Breathing Exercise To Deal With Stress

Breathing is something we all do during our life time. We all know we are going to die if we are not breathing. Breathing is a reflex action done by our body to provide the flow of oxygen around the body to the vital organs.

Wikipedia, online encyclopedia, describes humans breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute, with children breathing faster than adults.

Babies may breathe as much as 40 times per minute. Adults normally breathe about 500-700ml of air at a time. An...

5 Quick Stress Busters

Stress is fast becoming the biggest health problem in modern societies. Financial pressures, work pressures, family pressures – so much to do so little time to do it all! Here’s five quick ways to ease the pressure and relieve stress:

1. Make time to switch off from the daily trials and tribulations and relax for at least one hour every day. Just shut the world out and do something you enjoy. Reading, playing a musical instrument, taking a relaxing bath with music and cand...

5 Great Tips to Handle Stress

In this hectic time, people lead an increasingly stressful life. Prolonged stress is such a powerful and harmful force that it is vital that you learn effective stress management techniques to live a successful, happy, and healthy life.

3 Easy Steps Towards Nursing Stress

Are you pressed for time in your nursing profession? Are you always on the go? Do you ever feel stressed out? Are you stressed out during the day in your nursing career? You know what I mean. You get up in the morning and have to rush out of the door to get to your nursing job. At your job, you have 100 things coming at you and a list of tasks to get done for the day. You rush home, you take care of the "stuff" at home, and do it again the next day. So how do you deal with th...

5 Quick Stress Busters

How do you react when your plans fall through? Do you roll with the punches? Or does anxiety keep you from enjoying life? To a great extent, our personality determines how we deal with stress in our lives, but here are 5 things to help keep your stress under control.

5 Important Tips To Managing Your Stress

At one point or another, we all have to deal with some type of stress. The important thing is to prevent it from taking over our daily life, and this can often be done by observing a few simple ways to keep emotions high and the blues at bay.

Pet your pet. For years, experts have agreed that pet owners may lead happier, healthier lives thanks to their four-legged friends. Gently stroking a cat or dog is believed to lower stress and increase happiness.

Take a hike. Studi...

3 Powerful Tips To Help Manage Everyday Stress

Often times stress will manifest when we carry over yesterday’s concerns into our present day concerns. An accumulation will almost always end up in a high stress level. Therefore, we must be able to “dump” all of our concerns from the previous day or days and concentrate wholly on our today.

So here are 3 stress busting tips

- Stress Busting Tip #1

Resolve right now to release every thought from yesterday and be only mindful of the now…. this thought only...this b...
