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Posts published in “fitness”


Benefits And Usefulness Of Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasana

This asana is also known as the Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose. This asana similar to its name stretching your legs and arms. It is one of those enduring asanas that helps your heart and other parts of your body. Stretching is always good for your body. It helps in creating the right balance for your body. Doing this asana is a step forward towards better health. It helps in creating unison between the mind and soul. By doing this pose your heart rate becomes normal. T...

Benefits And Importance Of Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is known as the snake or cobras pose because it reflects the look of a raised hood. As you raise your head along with your chest it represents a snake hood. The rest of the body lies down representing the body of the snake. This asana can be one of the best asanas for your back as well as your spine.

Inhaling and exhaling plays a very important part in this or any other asanas. Bending and stretching of your back may differ between individuals. As some has th...

Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar – Part III

We have known the importance and benefits of the first six Ashtanga Namaskar Poses. We will conclude the Ashtanga Namaskar Yoga Asana series with the remaining six asanas.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Inhale - Om Hiranayagarbhaaya Namah

Benefits: This asana is very useful to keep your back in the fittest position. The spinal region becomes strong and very agile. This asana helps in creating a healthy circulation for your back. It tones your body as well as the spinal ...

Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar – Part II

As we must have learnt that this is a very elaborate pose and one article would not be able to suffice the integral issues it happens to help us deal with. The 12 poses of Ashtanga Namaskar is very crucial as each and every asana has to be done in a very specific manner which helps to create its usefulness to your body

These are the six pose we will try to know about

1. Pranamasana (prayer pose)
Normal Breathing - Om Mitraaya Namaha

Benefits: Many of your waist an...

Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar – Part I

This asana is also known as Surya Namaskar Asana or Sun Salutation Asana. It is a combination of 12 postures and each posture provides its unique benefits. The essence of this asana is salutation of the Sun god, which is power source of all the energy in this world. So in process to salute the sun god it also helps our body. This asana becomes very important due to the valuable part it plays with our lives. The composition of these poses in its own different way helps in crea...

Benefits And Importance Of Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Vrksasana is a tree pose which means you are standing with your hand raised towards the sky. Adho Mukha Vrksasana can be termed as a tilted tree pose where in your hands are supporting the entire body weight. This asana when done by beginners has to be done very carefully as balancing yourself on your hand cannot be that easy.

To make it easier it would be better for you to take support of a wall, helping you to overcome your fear of falling while doing this asana. There a...

Benefits And Importance Of Adho Mukha Svanasana

When we take each word of this asana and look for the meaning it comes out to be a very simple word. “Adho Mukh” means facing downwards and “Svana” means a dog. This would mean facing downwards dog pose. This pose matches to a dog that stretches himself with its front and back legs. Therefore this name has been attached to this asana.

Many asanas has its importance and this asana can be termed as one of the most commonly done asanas. As we all know that every yoga asana ha...

Benefiting From Your Yoga Practice

Yoga is not only an extremely popular form of exercise, but depending on the form you practice, can be exciting or calming, social or meditative, energizing or relaxing. No matter which of these best describes your yoga class, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of every class you attend.

* Go to yoga class with an empty stomach. Yoga is full bending, twisting, lengthening, stretching, and strength moves. Eating a big dinner before that kind of movement could ...
