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Posts published in “Religion, Spirituality”

Traverse the diverse landscapes of religion and spirituality. Explore how various beliefs and practices contribute to personal growth, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries.


Heart occupies a pivotal position in the human body. You may not arrive at any conclusion after attending a highly intellectual discourse,but a simple “I love you,’’will carry a tremendous impact on you. Life is a gift given to man by God and we so much love life—life with its integral part—emotions and feelings. These are important to each one of us, to every life.Without these emotions life would be barren and meaningless. For it is these emotions that make life meaningful or meaningless

Guided Meditation To Make You Whole

Guided meditation is a form of stress relief that is conducive to relaxing the whole body, in part by finding a way of peaceful and calming relaxation from within the body. Guided meditation may utilize soothing photographs or scenarios to enhance the ability of the mind to relax and guide the body to a point of relaxation so that the person in meditation can find a true sense of inner peace. Quite often, guided meditation will be accompanied by soft music or sounds of nature...

Finding G-d* in the Details

Are you upset when you run into obstacles on the way to your goal? Don’t be! Kabbalah explains that growth and success are not meant to occur in a smooth linear path, but in a 3-fold process of light-darkness-light. In working with the nitty-gritty details and obstacles along the way to fulfilling a vision that you reveal G-d and your own Divine power in every aspect of your personal life.

Does Our Personality Has Free Will?

In this article, I am describing a spiritual realisation. It can be difficult and uneasy to read. But I hope to challenge the Reader to question upon what is generally being accepted as true. The question for ponderance is: Does our personality has free will?

Do You Experience God?

Connor, a man in his late 40’s, has achieved everything he ever thought he needed to feel happy and secure. He owns a successful business, has a wonderful wife and two children, and a beautiful home. Yet when you look at him, he doesn’t look happy. He looks empty, with no sense of vibrancy about him.
