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Posts published in “Depression”

Ayurveda regime for winter depression

Long nights, short days, sweaters, warm clothes and chilly weather make many of us sick and depressed. This depression which surfaces especially in winter is a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and is often called as winter Time Blues or Winter depression. The exact cause for this depression is as of yet unclear. But yet few scientists believe lack of exposure to sunlight as the reason for this disorder.

Are You Allowing Depression To Take Control Of You?

Feeling sad is very normal for human beings. You feel it when you break-up, lost a job or someone dies. After feeling down, you should soon recover from the sadness and move on with your life. Unfortunately not everyone can do this. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, people get sad for long periods of time. This is considered to be depression.

Depression is considered to be a psychological disorder that can be very harmful. Mild cases of depression would make a person cry ...

Anxiety Depression: Learn How to be worry free.

“Which of you by worrying can add a single hair to your head?” Jesus.
“That thing I so worried about has eventually happened to me” Job.
“Anxiety depression from worry is that great modern plague” Anonymous.
From the quotes above, needless to say friends, to overcome anxiety depression, we’ve got to break the worry-habit. Let’s see how we can be worry-free today folks.

Andropause and Depression

Andropause correlates directly with depression - a major player in the notorious mid-life crisis period men face in their late 40´s to late 50´s. Find out what to do to help yourself.
