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Posts published in “Depression”

Teenage Depression

Many people believe today that teenagers lack respect for authority, lack respect for school, and even lack respect for family. For the most part they are looked down on by society as being disobedient trouble-makers. Being a teenager isn't an easy task. They're constantly being exposed to new, scary situations, and it's hard for any teenager to overcome one of these obstacles because of how they are looked at by other people, and one of the biggest problems a teenager has to face is depression.

Symptoms Of Depression

Every once in a while life throws us some curve balls. There are however times when we are unable to deal with all of these stresses and problems. When this happens we begin to feel depressed. As time passes, generally the depressed feelings will pass. For a few individuals these feelings become depression disorders and they may need medical help to recover from this phase. There are some symptoms of depression that can tell us if the depression is a disorder or just normal f...

Symptom of depression

The tell-tale symptoms of depression People who may be suffering from depression or manic disorders actually exhibit or show each and every kind of symptom…
