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Posts published in “Mental health”


Top Natural Depression Remedies

Most cases of depression if not all can be helped with treatment, but many people are too scared to seek treatment. They may be afraid of the questions that a therapist might ask, or they may be afraid of the medication that is designed to help with depression, but untreated depression is a very dangerous thing. There are some natural remedies that can at least help with depression. It is best to talk to a doctor before following a natural course of treatment for depression.

Tips To Beating Depression

Everyone has days when they are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy.

That's OK, you need to have days like this, otherwise how would you know when you are happy. You need to have something to contrast your happiness with. What is black without white?

Even though you know that sadness is a part of life, let's try to make it a small part of life.

With that said, here are a few tips to help you feel better when you are feeling down in the dumps. They a...

Tips On How To Eradicate Depression

This article is all about beating depression. I am a person who suffered from long bouts of depression, however after deciding to change my whole outlook on life, I now have a much happier, successful and stress-free life. I will explain how I went about achieving this new life.

Things You Need To Know About Depression Support Groups.

How many times has some one asked you how's life? Though this may sound like a rhetorical question, but in some cases it should be asked. Believe it or not, many folks struggle with everyday life. Perhaps you might ask yourself why. For starters, there are many possible reasons. Their anguish could concern a death in the family, a difficult separation, or possibly even the stresses of daily life. Apart from of the cause, the affliction should be treated immediately. This is...

The Vicious Cycle Of Depression And Insomnia

Depression is a problem in the modern world that appears to be spreading, as more and more people are reported to experiencing it. It gets worse when insomnia is considered, as most people see it as a sign of depression. The social stigma of having either one might be to blame for the increase in cases of depression.

The Ups And Downs Of Depression

Clinical depression is known to impact the lives of one out of every six people in their lifetime. But the sad reality is that the medical community still does not entirely understand exactly what causes depression to occur in one person and not in another.

Yes, we do know that depression is hereditary.

Depression can often be found to run throughout the generations of the same family invading the DNA molecules which make up a particular family's genes. This causes the ...

The Truth About Depression

You've probably seen the commercials on television talking about the you you used to be before depression set in. Such commercials are generally aired by drug companies promoting an anti-depressant. But what these commercials fail to tell you is depression is common, and not everyone who feels down or blue is suffering from depression. You need to know the facts about depression before you and your doctor determine you are indeed suffering from this illness.
That's right...
