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Posts published in “`Positive Thinking”

Persistence is Key

In order to achieve your goals, you must develop the habit of persistence. You must stay focused and be determined to get to your destination.

Paying Attention

Quite often we're so focused on our goals, fitting in, achieving a perceived level of success, that we miss the important signals in ourselves and life around us. Missing our own target, we hit the target our goals were aimed at only to find ourselves disappointed and empty with the circumstances of our life.

No News Is Good News

Did you watch the news on television today? Did you hear it on the radio? Did you happen to listen to your favorite talk radio show today? Watch a movie? A television show? Do you feel good because of it?

Multiple Steps To Success

Having an interest in online business, I often frequent forums that are for people who have or want a successful online business. There is one theme that recurs time and time again, and one that touches me with sadness. That is, the number of people who sound despondent and want to give up. You may think that such an attitude would be confined to those who had at been trying to get their online business going for a year or more. Often, though, it might just be a month, or lik...
