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Posts published in “`Positive Thinking”

Why Failure is Good For You

You have only failed if you accept that you have failed. Everybody experiences temporary setbacks from time to time. Use these setbacks as stepping stones towards your success, because they teach you what works and what doesn't work

What’s Your Excuse?

Let's say there is something you really want to do. It can be something big or something small. The key point is it is something you've been saying you want to do for a period of time but haven't gotten around to doing it. It's a pattern. To the point that you flow right into your list of excuses without even thinking about it. Don't let excuses stop you from living your best life. Learn how to bust out of them by reading more...

What Role Does Ecology Play In Personal Success?

Could your failure to activate personal success be linked to self-sabotage? This isn’t the type of sabotage that you would normally suspect or even give time to? What I am talking about is a part of your unconscious called the adaptive unconscious. This part of your mind is trained to predict and then avoid pain, displeasure or stress.

The adaptive unconscious doesn’t set out to cause you to fail. It is working along a complex blueprint that has been developing since the m...

What Makes People Successful?

Some people are successful while others aren't. But what makes them so successful? Well you'll be surprised to find that it's not skill. What makes people successful is attitude. If you believe you'll succeed you will and if you think you'll fail you will. But what can you do about it? How can you change the way you think and act? The time to change is right now. Go out there with your head held high and strive for success in everything you do.
