ADHD is a national epidemic, affecting somewhere between 5 and 11 percent of Americans, depending who’s counting. With millions diagnosed, treatments have proliferated, ranging from…
Posts published in “Society”
Humanity’s written history was preceded by its prehistory, beginning with the Palaeolithic Era (“Early Stone Age”) A caveman is a stock character representative of primitive man in the Paleolithic. The popularisation of…
Everybody deals with anxieties and stresses in the business world. As a result, here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their daily stresses and anxieties at their job and/or in the business world.
Sometimes, we get stressed when everything happens all at once. When this happens, a person should take a deep breathe and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off of the problem. A person could take a walk, listen to some mu...
Do not let your anxieties and stresses overwhelm you when you are at your job. Sometimes it can be difficult to overcome your stresses, however there are ways of dealing with your problems. Here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their daily stresses and anxieties in the business world.
In dealing with your anxieties at your job, learn to take it one day at a time. While the consequences of a particular fear may seem real, there are usually other ...
“Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” No matter how this topic is tackled, the question remains a mystery. “Do you need to be…
A thought is an energy. Energy always wants to manifest itself. Energy can not be stocked or blocked. It will get out anyway. If you…
According to the American Dream Project, the average American works between 43 and 51 hours per week. Does that make us more productive? No. In…
I’m sure you read a lot of times this sentence : you need first to love yourself. But what does that mean? Is it about…