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Posts tagged as “anxiety disorder”

Ophidiophobia and Anxiety Disorder

Phobias such as ophidiophobia or the fear of snakes is a form of anxiety disorder. And anxiety disorder, when not treated properly, may bring chaos to one's life. Ophidiophobia is one of the common phobias which is treatable and can ease you needless anxiety.

OCD Extreme Rites of Anxiety

Some superstitions and rituals seem harmless and may actually help us to become productive and produce positive results. However, when these rituals are taken to extremes and begin to affect normal daily function, it becomes an anxiety disorder that may lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Jacketed General Anxiety Disorder

The term "Anxiety disorder" has become a jacket term, covering many unique forms of abnormal anxiety, fears, phobias and nervous conditions. All of these conditions come on suddenly and prevent an individual from continuining daily routines.

How To Reduce Anxiety

At some level, all of us experience at different stages of life. Quite often it's a circumstantial anxiety due to a feeling of being out of control, dissatisfied with life circumstances, worried that something bad or worse will happen, or a general feeling of not dealing well with uncertainty. So anxiety is a normal feeling for many, and even a normal sign of being human.

But for many anxiety has become a dominant force in their life, one that affects their self-esteem, co...

Anxiety Disorder of Celebrities and Media Speculation

According to the American Psychoanalytic Associated, all the labeling and armchair diagnoses being directed at the behavior of Britney Spears is harmful,both to her and the general public. The ASA contends that it is nearly impossible to provide an accurate diagnosis of a person's mental state based solely on media-selected events, especially if there is a possibility of substance abuse coming into play.

Anxiety Disorder and Changed Lives

This article talks about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for anxiety disorder, a condition that affects countless individuals around the world. The causes and treatments for this condition vary from person to person and can be dealt with the health of health professionals.

Anxiety Attack Symptoms: What You Should Know To Overcome Anxiety Disorder

Learning about anxiety attack symptoms is an important step in the recovery process if you suffer from an anxiety disorder. Anyone who suffers from such a disorder is certainly well versed in the types of symptoms that frequently accompany anxiety attacks; however, in order to learn to cope with and even overcome these symptoms it is imperative that one must first learn why these symptoms occur in connection with anxiety disorders.

The most common symptom of any anxiety d...
