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Posts tagged as “Anxiety Treatment”

How Anxiety And Depression Are Connected

Depression is a disorder that does not get nearly enough attention. Depressed people are often told to "cheer up" or to "look at the bright side" of things, and may spiral even deeper when they are unable to simply snap out of the mood that has such a hold on them. While depression can often lead to fatigue and listlessness, it has a close cousin by the name of anxiety. Anxiety causes the opposite effect, putting our bodies into the "fight or flight" mode that protected us in the wild.

Coping with Anxiety

This article provides information about how to cope up with anxiety. It also gives information about symptoms and treatments of anxiety.

Don’t Let Stress Cause Depression

Traumatic events that make our lives stressful such as the death of a loved one, a failed relationship or maybe the loss of a job can lead to depression. In rare cases, even positive stress can lead to the development of clinical depression such as a move, getting married or even a new job.

There are times when we all must struggle with very painful situations in our lives. The level of stress that might cause depression really does vary for each individual. Some people ca...
