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Posts tagged as “balance”

Developing the Both and Mindset

Typically people have an “either or” mindset which inevitably leads to suboptimal solutions, and under satisfying compromises. By switching to the “both and” mindset you can become more successful and paradoxically create greater clarity and balance in your life.

Balance: Flow and Faith

Excessiveness leads to breakdowns in many areas of life. From health-related personal issues to watching the people that matter most in our life leaving us. This article reflects on the dangers and strategies that enable greater awareness leading to better choices. It's not about abstinence; it's about balance.

Balance: Entreprenurial or Workaholic?

A well-balanced life is more powerful than the hard work that you put into a business. A well-balanced life feeds the brain, the spirit, the emotions, and the body.

The experience of Life can be incredibly rich, just don't get so caught up in riches that you neglect your Whole Life.

Yoga With Balance Ball?

A medicine ball is also commonly used by athletes who have sustained an injury, and seek rehabilitation. They are also extensively used by secondary schools as a fitness aid, by lifting the ball, or performing different exercises with the ball incorporated to increase the strain on a particular muscle.

What is A Swiss Ball?
A Swiss ball is a ball constructed of elastic rubber with a diameter of around 55 to 85 cm (22 to 34 inches). It is used in physical therapy and exerc...

Finding Balance And Health With Yoga

Have you heard about the Gunas? No, they are not Disney characters! According to yoga there are three basic qualities or energies that make up everything. They are, rajas, tamas and sattva.

Rajas is the energy of action, change and movement. Rajas is the fuel of passion and fire. Rajasic energy is also associated with the day light hours. We obviously need rajasic energy to create energy to move successfully throughout our world and lives. When we have too much rajasic ene...
