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Posts tagged as “child”

Child Stress Management Ideas

Many children suffer from various forms of stress and in this article I give advice on how parents can help their child during these periods. Their stress can cause them to have nightmares and to lose their self-confidence. I hope you find this article interesting and beneficial.


The problem is, lots of of those people carried the disappointment they felt from learning that they couldn't do the jobs that they wanted as babies into their adult lives.

The Beauty Within….

It’s not easy in today’s society to truly feel beautiful. We as women are bombarded everywhere we turn by images and voices telling us we are imperfect creatures. Millions of dollars are made by various companies and advertisers telling us WE can achieve perfection via the purchase of some “beauty” product; eating or NOT eating certain foods, exercising with this piece of equipment or that one, camouflaging or uncovering certain body parts…Lord, it never ends.

Unfortunately, for a vast num


Serenity refers to a state of peacefulness where the mind is calm and unruffled by the external environment. This higher spiritual echelon, or inner peace,…

Too Much Of School

When my mom finally decided to take that plum posting as a Divisional Head, I knew I was in trouble. Her office hours stretched way…
