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Posts tagged as “children”

How To Cope With And Reduce Stress

I have always struggled to live a stress-free life. I worry about almost every aspect of life and living this way has caused me a lot of problems including various bouts of ill health from time to time. I needed to find a way of coping with and reducing the amount of stress in my life and in this article I write about how I have managed to achieve this.

Dealing With The Stress Of Being A Parent

Parenting can be a stressful experience at times, and you might not have the chance to indulge in traditional stress-busting activities because you need to look after your children. There are, however, plenty of ways you can reduce your stress levels with activities that actively involve your kids.

Child Stress Management Ideas

Many children suffer from various forms of stress and in this article I give advice on how parents can help their child during these periods. Their stress can cause them to have nightmares and to lose their self-confidence. I hope you find this article interesting and beneficial.

The Quest For A Happy Life

Would you consider yourself to be a happy person? Are you seeking ways which could you to have a happier life? I am a person who basically is after a very simple and happy life. I do not crave fast cars, I do not wish to live in a huge mansion, I do not need to have lavish and expensive holidays abroad each year. In this article, I describe the type of lifestyle that would and does bring joy and happiness to my life.

The Universe Through A Child’s Eyes

There is something about parenthood that gives us a sense of history and a deeply rooted desire to send on into the next generation the…
