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Posts tagged as “consciousness”

We must make our environment favorable for Era Transformation

No doubt individual efforts and endeavours are important and they should be respected and encouraged. At times these lone individual efforts are so intense that it not only influences the individual but transforms and influences the cosmic world. Of course these are exceptions but it proves beyond doubt that each human being is God’s prince and that he potentially has all divine powers albeit latent in his psyche. If man so desires he can convert these latent powers into active powers.

The 5 Divine Sheaths of the subtle human body.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths has been presented in the categorization of the three bodies. These 3 are the gross, subtle and casual bodies. The gross body is made up of the food and Vital Force Sheath. The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces ( Pranas) are embedded in it. The subtle body is made up of the mental and Intellectual Sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind. The casual body is made up of the Bliss Sheath.

What is the Higher Self?

Are we just a body with a personality? From my understanding, we are much more than that. Each one of us has a higher aspect. This higher aspect has been typically called the Higher Self.

Does Our Personality Has Free Will?

In this article, I am describing a spiritual realisation. It can be difficult and uneasy to read. But I hope to challenge the Reader to question upon what is generally being accepted as true. The question for ponderance is: Does our personality has free will?
