I am not a scientist or a religious authority, therefore my question “Why Can’t The Theories of Evolution And Creationism Co-Exist?” may seem unintelligent, however…
Posts tagged as “creationism”
One of the often-quoted verses about creation is Romans 1:20. This verse is presented below in three translations. KJV – For the invisible things of…
The 104th Psalm has long been known as the “Creation Psalm.” This psalm presents a poem about the creation of the world, and it contains…
As Christians who believe in the Bible, of course we think the events of the Bible happened just as the Bible records them. But when…
What is a young-earth “creation scientist?” Is there such a thing. Organizations such as Answers in Genesis and the Institute for Creation Research claim that…
One of the many things that I observe in the debate between young-earth and old-earth creationists, is the constant appeal to the works of past…
Yes, you can! There is no verse in the Bible which causes you to accept a young earth as the only answer. The Bible does…
For hundreds of years Christians have appealed to the dates formulated by the 17th century bishop, James Ussher. Using biblical genealogies from Genesis 5 and…