Look closely at the words “griefs” and “sorrows” in Isaiah’s prophecy below. Scholarship demands that both these words should have been rendered by our English…
Posts tagged as “death”
Young-earth creationists have long argued against the occurrence of death before the fall of man. This mistaken doctrine stems from two verses in the Bible.…
Depression is a status of mind which can bring serious altercation with human behavior which ultimately upsets even the harmony of stability, in a broad sense. An uncontrolled state of depression seriously affects all the activities of a man and brings far reaching biological and metabolic disfunctionalities in his day today life.
No matter how much wealth we manage to accumulate in this world, it is virtually useless without good health. This is tied closely to the knowledge of our own mortality. Deep down, we all know that we only have a handful of decades on Earth and then it's over.
A lot of people think we have to believe the Bible literally or not at all. Others think the Bible contains only stories, myths, or legends. What's the real deal? Is there literal truth in the Bible?
The literally true writings in the Bible are generally in the form of telling about historical events, even if it's written about differently than we write about history today. Can we believe the Bible when it comes to its history?
This article explains the emotional impact of expressions of sympathy.