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Posts tagged as “energy”

Dhyana Yoga (meditation) for soul awakening.

A human life is a priceless gift of God. This gift has been given to us to fulfill divine goals. But it is our ill-fate that we have forgotten our divine nature, God’s gift and the goal/ importance of a human life. Neither do we know our divine potential, nor the Lord’s goal, wisdom or meditation. We are straying far away in this dark, gloomy world.

Who Are You – Really?

Continuing to delve into the spiritual mystery of our existence, this article brings some solid science into the equation to help you understand the nature of who you are.

Why Do We Hurt Those We Love Most And How To Stop This

We all need energy to live and to survive. As long as you think this energy has to come from other human beings, you will get caught up in struggle. Because human energy is limited. You have to fight for it. It’s the responsibility of each and every person to generate energy by himself and not to depend on other people. Loving another human being is giving him energy! See the difference? Do you want to love your loved ones or steal their energy?

Do What Feels Good And Find Freedom

As long as you try to be somebody else to please your parents, peers, husband, wife, boss, children, neighbours or whatever, your energy will be stuck. You will feel exhausted, deceived, angry and tired.
So why not follow the road where your energy takes you? This is your road, your way! If you do things your way, if you dare being yourself, you will feel the energy. This IS freedom!
