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Posts tagged as “fear”

When thoughts become things.

The proper fruit of knowledge is action. It is true that gaining knowledge can make us feel more capable but knowledge in itself will not produce the results we really desire. One of the biggest myths that is prevalent in the information age is the notion that knowledge is power. Knowledge is not power. It is only potential power. What you do with what you know is where the real power is.

The Embarrassment of Self Development

For a long time I yearned to improve myself; my true inner self, but something was holding me back. I made a lot of excuses back then; I didn’t have time; I was too tired; I wasn’t sure what direction my search should take. However, the truth was I felt embarrassed about opening myself up, especially to those close to me. All that changed when I went for a stroll along a Danish beach.

Creating Fear for Inspiration

If you have read or have been involved in personal development, whether it is goal-setting, time management, motivation, weight loss, or the many other categories and have not taken hold of what you desired, chances are that you're lacking an inner drive towards that elusive goal.

Faithful Emotions

Our emotions are powerful forces in our lives. Peak deeper into an idea that gives you more power over your emotions. It's not that they're to be denied, you will instead find the strength to be with them.

Change your mind and the rest will follow!

All change starts with a change of mind. You have to start by changing your thoughts about want you want to change. Constantly trying to…
