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Posts tagged as “focus”

Healing Hopeless Relationships

“My husband and I were planning our divorce. Now we’re planning our reconciliation.” “For years, my teenage son and I were at odds with each…

Stress Management Through Altering Beliefs And Increasing Knowledge

Most humans experience unexpected setbacks which can cause huge stress and can halt their forward progress in life. Our attitudes, beliefs and knowledge can make a big difference to how we deal with these setbacks.

What means just major stress to one person can even mean death to another. Our beliefs and knowledge affect how much stress we experience in the face of problems, traumas, ageing and the threat of death.

One way to lessen the stress of a problem is to focus on the solution.

Developing the Both and Mindset

Typically people have an “either or” mindset which inevitably leads to suboptimal solutions, and under satisfying compromises. By switching to the “both and” mindset you can become more successful and paradoxically create greater clarity and balance in your life.

So You Want To Win the Lottery

Allowing is the absence of doubt. Doubt is a negative vibration that cancels out the positive vibration of your desire, so removing doubt will allow your desire to come to you. Removing doubt will speed up the manifestation of your desire.
