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Posts tagged as “freedom”

Finish Strong

As we approach the end of the year, we tend to rush forward full speed ahead. With holiday madness and other tasks that need to be done by the end of the year, who has time to neatly tie a ribbon around the last 12 months and call it a wrap? However, finishing strong may be just the thing you need to do to create a strong start for the new year.

Dare To Be Yourself, There’s Nobody Like You

There’s no need for you to imitate anybody else; they already exist. It would be a big waste of time trying to be someone else. You are at your best being yourself! The world needs you as you are, exactly as you are! Dare to be yourself. The more you dare to be yourself, the more freedom you will feel. The more freedom you feel, the more you will dare. Daring and freedom support each other to re-create your unique self in an ever expanding celebration of Life. Your life.

Your Mediocre Mind

Do you falsely identify yourself with the trappings of your mind and all of its mental activity? Here is an insight that will challenge that perspective, offering more freedom in your life

Yin-Yang You

Have you ever noticed the dark-side always brings new light? We all have a dark side, often suppressed and controlled into submission. Or is it? Consider the possibility that it has you controlled into submission. Read more to explore this concept.

Do What Feels Good And Find Freedom

As long as you try to be somebody else to please your parents, peers, husband, wife, boss, children, neighbours or whatever, your energy will be stuck. You will feel exhausted, deceived, angry and tired.
So why not follow the road where your energy takes you? This is your road, your way! If you do things your way, if you dare being yourself, you will feel the energy. This IS freedom!
