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Posts tagged as “goals”

Are we our own prisoners?

Sometimes, we are also prisoners of our thoughts and our past deeds. We also have nothing else to look forward to. We only have regrets. At least, we can do something about the conditions, but the prisoners can do nothing. Life can be depressing at times. How to inspire ourselves in such conditions?

You Make Me Feel

Do you spend your life feeling things because of what the people around you say and do? Discover how you can take charge of your life and your emotions and life a powerful life.

New Year’s Resolutions? Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

Have you set resolutions for yourself to accomplish in 2006? Maybe you want to get more exercise, eat healthier, or spend more time with your family. If you're in business for yourself, maybe you are thinking about hiring a bookkeeper, working fewer hours, or beefing up your marketing plan. All of those things are very good goals, but how do you really feel about them?

If You’ll … Then I’ll …

There are frequently hidden and unspoken contracts behind actions that you may not be consciously aware of, but affect your life. If you are in a relationship you may say "If you bring me flowers, I'll feel loved" or something similar. Discover more about these hidden contracts and how you can break them.
