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Posts tagged as “God”

Blessed to Be a Blessing

To be blessed means to be consecrated, set apart, and highly favored. When God blesses you, He does not leave anything out. It is more…

Be Courageous!

Courage is defined as greatness of heart, spirit to meet danger, and boldness. God commanded Joshua three times to be strong and have good courage…

Lies People Tell

All people lie some of the time. They use words to convey their lies while their body language usually gives them away. This is curious.…

Lies kill hearts

One who speaks a lie hurts. Only truth gives life and peace. A lie always hurts. Even the smallest lie hurts. It hurts one to…

When Cupid Hits

I used to live a simple, happy life. I call it happy, but it was more of a peaceful life. Happiness has different meanings at…
