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Posts tagged as “motivation”
When it comes to motivation one size does not fit all. One of the elements that makes human beings so endlessly fascinating is that we are all individuals.It is the primary reason our species has been so successful. It also means we each have different interests, goals, and motivation.
Ever have self motivation problems? Here are six simple techniques you can use right now to motivate yourself.
Do you have a dream? I bet you do. And I also bet you have a long list of reasons why you arent pursuing that dream. But you CAN start turning your dream into a reality no matter what your current circumstances are.
From a very young age, many of us are told that we can not do this or that because we do not have the talent or that we are not wise enough, or strong enough, or smart enough. What happens is that we end up living our lives in character with what others have told us about ourselves and in our personal belief system about ourselves.
This jaded view of ourselves keeps us from doing the things we dream of doing. Many of us yearn for a magic wizard that would come along and bestow the qualities ..
You will undoubtedly have dreams. Whether you dream of having the perfect house with the perfect car, or you dream of settling down to have a family, even if you dream of retiring by the time you're 40, the one key to success is doing something about it. It may sound obvious but if you dream of retiring before you reach 40 and yet you aimlessly skip from job to job with no hope of progressing a career, it is very unlikely you will achieve your goal.
Set goals and ambitions...
We all exercise for the results. Different results or outcomes vary from weight loss, athletic performance, endurance, strength, toning, to more flexibility. Here are 10 tips for motivation and consistency to get results and achieve your goals.
So many of us are demotivated to achieve anything. Such people are not enthusiastic about anything. They don't want to work towards any goal. Nothing motivates them to work. Why is it so? Why many of us are not motivated? What is wrong?