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Posts tagged as “Motivational”

Purpose for Life

How many people do you think ponder the meaning in life and if it has any meaning? Do you think you are alone when wondering…

Being Slow? It’s a Go!

Brandon had always been thought of as “slow.” He talked slowly; he walked slowly; he read slowly and he ate slowly. He was a nine-year-old boy in fourth grade. Many of Brandon’s classmates made fun of him because he could not process information quickly.

Yes, You Can!

If you are an entrepreneur, you know that your success cannot depend on the opinions of others. Like the wind, opinions the weather, opinions change frequently. To succeed at any endeavor, you must stay the matter the cost! Here are some surefire tips to help you stay the course.

Off To See The Wizard

From a very young age, many of us are told that we can not do this or that because we do not have the talent or that we are not wise enough, or strong enough, or smart enough. What happens is that we end up living our lives in character with what others have told us about ourselves and in our personal belief system about ourselves.

This jaded view of ourselves keeps us from doing the things we dream of doing. Many of us yearn for a magic wizard that would come along and bestow the qualities ..

Don’t Quash Exuberance

When we grow up to be adults we are socialized to believe that exuberance should be contained and managed. Along the way we get the exuberance knocked out of us. Exuberance, however, is not to be quashed, but celebrated and appreciated.
