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Posts tagged as “nature”

Bliss Sheath: Samadhi (trance), heaven and the door of salvation

The last but extremely important sheath (5 covering layers of a living being) is the Bliss Sheath. When this sheath is uncovered, not only does the living being come very close to God but that it becomes God Himself. The soul is said to be a spark of God. Its ultimate form is Satya, Shiva, Sunder and God too is called Sat (existence), Chit (wisdom), Anand (bliss). Both these states ooze with supreme bliss. The ultimate goal is to make our lives happy, contented and blissful.


Heart occupies a pivotal position in the human body. You may not arrive at any conclusion after attending a highly intellectual discourse,but a simple “I love you,’’will carry a tremendous impact on you. Life is a gift given to man by God and we so much love life—life with its integral part—emotions and feelings. These are important to each one of us, to every life.Without these emotions life would be barren and meaningless. For it is these emotions that make life meaningful or meaningless
