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Posts tagged as “Self-Help”

How Indifference Can Bring You Success

Here’s a scenario I’m sure you’re familiar with and I’m equally sure that it’s caused you a truckload of frustration and dejection. And don’t worry, you’re not the only one it’s happened to, it happens to millions of others and it happened to me too – on far too many occasions to include here.

Do you remember a time when you’d really had enough of your situation in life? Maybe you were sick and tired of servicing debt after debt. Perhaps you were bored with your job and ha...

Fullfilling Success

success is defined by many in so many ways. Many people define it by what the have yet to attain or by what others have attained. In the pursuit of success we often prostitute ourselves to many things we would eventually live to regret. We run miles down one street only to find we are completely lost.

Why CAN’T We Have It All?

I've always heard, "You can't have it all."

I see the truth in that statement. I do. You can't have all the meatballs out of the spaghetti. That would leave none for anyone else. Same with all the chocolate chips out of the cookies.

Start With A Baseline

When you embark on changing anything in your life you have to start from where you are. Until you know where that is it would be difficult to effectively make the change. You have to start with a baseline.


When you find yourself slacking a little and not being as enthused about the new change or goal you are working towards, that isn't a sign to quit. It is a sign that it is time to re-commit.
