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Posts tagged as “social anxiety disorder”

Social Anxiety Disorder: Holiday Spoiler

Shyness may range from mild social awkwardness to totally inhibiting social phobia, more commonly known as social anxiety disorder (SAD). By facing their fears and acquiring conversational skills, shy people can eventually overcome their shyness. However, exposure to fearful situations fails to desensitize people with SAD.

Overcoming Separation Anxiety Disorder

The article is about Separation Anxiety Disorder or SAD. It talks about the symptoms for the said disorder and its difference from the separation anxiety per se. The article also cites and explains the early signs of SAD among children.Treatments for the said disorder are also noted within the article.

Jacketed General Anxiety Disorder

The term "Anxiety disorder" has become a jacket term, covering many unique forms of abnormal anxiety, fears, phobias and nervous conditions. All of these conditions come on suddenly and prevent an individual from continuining daily routines.
