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Posts tagged as “social anxiety”

Visualization And Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder greatly reduces the quality of a person's life. People who suffer from social anxiety miss out on so much that life has to offer. Opportunities are greatly limited, because the person who suffers from social anxiety cannot take advantage of any opportunity that might require social interaction - and most opportunities in life do require some sort of social interaction.

Visualization has been proven to be a very effective tool for dealing with social...

The Sweet Life Without Anxiety

This article features the reality of child anxiety as seen in the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This also exhibits the negative effects of this chronic care that can impede the normal flow of child activities.

Stress And Social Anxiety

One of the major symptoms associated with social anxiety is stress. Stress works two ways - the social anxiety can cause it, and the stress can intensify the social anxiety. Stress can be a big problem, because it leads to other health related problems, such as high blood pressure or heart attack.

Stress can also cause headaches, ulcers, insomnia, excessive fatigue, and muscle pain. When a person who suffers from social anxiety is contemplating a social interaction or situ...

Social Anxiety Potential For Poker

Poker has traditionally favored the extroverted and socially adept. However, recent developments have called that into question and suggested that introverts with social anxiety naturally have the tools needed to succeed in the game.

Social Anxiety in the US and Japan

Due to cultural differences, people from Japan and the US deal with social anxiety in differently. There are also differences in just how extreme the reactions of people with social anxiety can be when faced with societal pressures.
