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Posts tagged as “spiritual”

The Practice of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is mainly practiced for health and vitality. Hatha Yoga was introduced in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama. Hatha yoga focuses on the purification of the physical being which leads to the purification of the mind or vital energy.

The 5 Divine Sheaths of the subtle human body.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths has been presented in the categorization of the three bodies. These 3 are the gross, subtle and casual bodies. The gross body is made up of the food and Vital Force Sheath. The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces ( Pranas) are embedded in it. The subtle body is made up of the mental and Intellectual Sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind. The casual body is made up of the Bliss Sheath.

Dhyana Yoga (meditation) for soul awakening.

A human life is a priceless gift of God. This gift has been given to us to fulfill divine goals. But it is our ill-fate that we have forgotten our divine nature, God’s gift and the goal/ importance of a human life. Neither do we know our divine potential, nor the Lord’s goal, wisdom or meditation. We are straying far away in this dark, gloomy world.

Bliss Sheath: Samadhi (trance), heaven and the door of salvation

The last but extremely important sheath (5 covering layers of a living being) is the Bliss Sheath. When this sheath is uncovered, not only does the living being come very close to God but that it becomes God Himself. The soul is said to be a spark of God. Its ultimate form is Satya, Shiva, Sunder and God too is called Sat (existence), Chit (wisdom), Anand (bliss). Both these states ooze with supreme bliss. The ultimate goal is to make our lives happy, contented and blissful.

Accessing Your Spiritual Guidance

For the last 35 years, I have been working with individuals, couples and families, as well as business relationships. I have 8 published books on relationships and healing, some of them best-sellers. In the first half of my career, I worked as a traditional psychotherapist, and was not happy with the results.

Faithful Emotions

Our emotions are powerful forces in our lives. Peak deeper into an idea that gives you more power over your emotions. It's not that they're to be denied, you will instead find the strength to be with them.

How To Be A Spiritual Atheist

A spiritual atheist? Perhaps it’s a strange concept if you only think spirituality has to mean a belief in a god. Do the two have…
