Quite often we're so focused on our goals, fitting in, achieving a perceived level of success, that we miss the important signals in ourselves and life around us. Missing our own target, we hit the target our goals were aimed at only to find ourselves disappointed and empty with the circumstances of our life.
Posts tagged as “spirituality”
"Logical thinking is the worst kind of thinking. Rational thinking is limited. You need exactly the kind of thoughts that does not look at the rational obvious. You need to think with a vision that sees the obvious without logical limitations or restrictions."
Excessiveness leads to breakdowns in many areas of life. From health-related personal issues to watching the people that matter most in our life leaving us. This article reflects on the dangers and strategies that enable greater awareness leading to better choices. It's not about abstinence; it's about balance.
Do you falsely identify yourself with the trappings of your mind and all of its mental activity? Here is an insight that will challenge that perspective, offering more freedom in your life
A reminder of who you are and what you are capable of, even though for a moment- you forgot you are magical.
Dr. Lynton examines the different types of love
So many of the plans for becoming wealthy and rich focus on "getting" and forget about "giving." These schemes are not based on a spiritual foundation. When God is in the equation, wealth (meaning well-being and wholeness) is assured.