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Posts tagged as “spirituality”

Foundations of Yoga, Part 1: Yama and Niyama

"Knowledge (Jnana) does not come about from practice of yoga methods alone. Perfection in knowledge is in fact only for those who begin by practice of virtue (dharma). Yet, without yoga as a means, knowledge does not come about. The practice of yogic methods is not the means by itself, yet it is only out of that practice of yoga that the perfection in knowledge comes about. And so it is said by the teachers: 'Yoga is for the purpose of knowledge of truth'" Thus wrote Shankara.

Yin-Yang You

Have you ever noticed the dark-side always brings new light? We all have a dark side, often suppressed and controlled into submission. Or is it? Consider the possibility that it has you controlled into submission. Read more to explore this concept.

Who Are You – Really?

Continuing to delve into the spiritual mystery of our existence, this article brings some solid science into the equation to help you understand the nature of who you are.


We are living in a crowded environment infested with many vices in the form of ‘ifs’, ‘buts’ and ‘whys’ etc., all causes of irritation and argumentation. Our body is made up of virtues and vices picked up throughout life time. It is necessary to root out the vices, inhumanity, evils and imbibe virtues to nourish the vital parts of our body to lead healthy, smooth and tranquil life.

Finding G-d* in the Details

Are you upset when you run into obstacles on the way to your goal? Don’t be! Kabbalah explains that growth and success are not meant to occur in a smooth linear path, but in a 3-fold process of light-darkness-light. In working with the nitty-gritty details and obstacles along the way to fulfilling a vision that you reveal G-d and your own Divine power in every aspect of your personal life.
