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Posts tagged as “stress”

Stress, A Matter Of Judgment

Pressure is part and parcel of all work and helps to keep us motivated. But excessive pressure can lead to stress, which undermines performance, is costly to employers and can make people ill.

Stress, a matter of judgment
In becoming stressed, people must therefore make two main judgments: firstly they must feel threatened by the situation, and secondly they must doubt that their capabilities and resources are sufficient to meet the threat.

Damaging Stress
How stresse...


An article providing information on common symptoms of stress along with tips on how to reduce it with simple exercises.

Stop Stress Now: Ten Proven Techniques

There's no such thing as a stress-free life. We face challenges every day, and our bodies are designed to react automatically, equipping us to achieve more than we thought possible. But we were also designed to deal with stressful events quickly and then recuperate during a period of rest before facing the next threat. Many of the things that cause us stress today are not easily handled by fighting or fleeing. As a result, our bodies are trapped in a constant state of alert, ...

Six Simple Stress Busters For Moms

Are you stressed out? Could you use a break? If I gave you a nickel for every time you heard the word Moooommmmmyyyy - would you be rich? Well, we have all been there! With babies, toddlers and older children to care for along with cooking meals, paying bills, cleaning and playing taxi, finding time for yourself may seem impossible and when you do find a few quiet minutes, many of us are at a loss for what to do.

Taking time out to recharge your batteries is just what you ...

Sex The Stress Buster

Sex can indeed be a great stress reliever, it is not just a feeling well-being that individuals experience after sex. A healthy sex life is as important matter in one's life. In pursuit of living balanced and stress-free lives, sex is often not included in the formula.

Seven Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Stress

Our world is awash with a wave tension that seems to infect every single one of us. Have you driven down the street lately, only to find someone abusing you because you are not doing 30 kilometers over the speed limit? Have you been cursed by a beggar because you have not given them a cigarette? Have you been robbed lately, simply because the person robbing you wanted your LCD projector?
