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Posts tagged as “stress”

How to cope with stress and increase your natural energy

About a quarter of all people who visit their doctor or medical health practitioner complain about feeling tired, run down or exhausted. Often an underlying health issue is the cause and their body is using all of its available energy to combat the disease process which is the cause of the health issue.

However, what if you are in general good health and still suffer from a lack of energy? What steps can you take to improve your energy safely and naturally?

How To Cope With And Reduce Stress

I have always struggled to live a stress-free life. I worry about almost every aspect of life and living this way has caused me a lot of problems including various bouts of ill health from time to time. I needed to find a way of coping with and reducing the amount of stress in my life and in this article I write about how I have managed to achieve this.

How To Calm Yourself In Stressful Situations

Has something stressful or upsetting happened to you recently? Maybe it was a fender bender car accident, or telling a friend she did something that hurt you, or being triggered by something your spouse said, or stepping on stage to make a presentation.

Even when you are following what lights you up and creating more of what you truly want in life, not every moment of every day will be filled with ease, joy, and pleasure. Each of us has moments, situations, and experiences...

How stressed are you? 

Everyone seems to have a view on stress, it has become so popular. Are you stressed or does it not effect you at all? Do you believe that managing stress is important, or do you think that it is a 'buzz' word, used as a convenient excuse? Are you living outside your comfort zone? What is stress any way?

How Stress Increases Productivity?

Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. As Hans Selye (who coined the term as it is currently used) noted, "Without stress, there would be no life". However, just as distress can cause disease, it seems plausible that there are good stresses that promote wellness. Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or election can be just stressful as losing, or more so, but may trigger very different biological responses.

Stress Increases Productivity


How Stress Effects Your Body And Brain And What To Do About It.

Which of these is stress?

• You receive a promotion at work.
• Your car has a flat tire.
• You go to a fun party that lasts till 6:00 a.m.
• Your dog gets sick.
• Your new bedroom set is being delivered.
• Your best friend and his wife come to stay at your house for a week.
• You get a bad case of hay fever.
• All of the above.


If you are used to thinking that stress is something that makes you worry, you have the wrong idea of stress....
