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Posts tagged as “stress”

Depression Q&A: Common Kinds Of The Depression

* What is Depression?

Depression is a disorder, engaged in a person’s body, mood and thoughts. It can influence and interrupts eating, sleeping or judging manner. It is different from unhappiness or a down feeling. It is also not an indication of personal flaws or a condition that can be motivated or wanted away.

Persons with this disorder cannot just gather themselves together and get well. Usually, treatment is important and significantly vital to healing.

* Ar...

Depression And Pregnancy: A Mother And Child’s Life Compromised

Pregnancy can be a special moment for expectant mothers and couples. But, it can also be a time for depression among pregnant women. Depression among pregnant women has a lot of causes. This article tries to identify them and provide some factors to help them cope depression during this momentous but also a difficult time in a woman's life.

5 Reasons To Not Let Depression Control You Anymore!

Family – It can be very vexing to loved one’s when you are depressed. On one hand they want nothing but the best for you, but on the other they sometimes get frustrated and wonder why you can’t simply snap out of it. It can be particularly hard on children of someone with depression as it may affect their outlook on life for many years to come. Having experienced this myself, I can say definitely this the number one reason to fight your depression.

Work - Work life general...
