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Posts tagged as “success”

Tend To Your Own Happiness

Many of us wish for more happiness. We want to lead happier, more fulfilling, lives, but the sad truth is that so many of us that wish for more happiness spend much more time tending the happiness of others than we do tending to our own happiness.

Happiness does not simply happen. A person does not suddenly stumble across happiness. Happiness is the result of careful tending and a person who wishes to be happy must tend to their own happiness.

Tending to your happiness ...

Reap Your Own Happiness

One of my favorite expressions is that "you reap what you sow". While I often hear it used negatively by someone who expects some "chickens to come home to roost" I prefer to think of it as something positive. How comforting to think that all our hard work and toil will be rewarded with a crop of something good? How wonderful to think that putting love and care into some project or person will indeed be rewarded.

Of course, while most Americans give lip service to the noti...

New Year’s Resolutions? Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

Have you set resolutions for yourself to accomplish in 2006? Maybe you want to get more exercise, eat healthier, or spend more time with your family. If you're in business for yourself, maybe you are thinking about hiring a bookkeeper, working fewer hours, or beefing up your marketing plan. All of those things are very good goals, but how do you really feel about them?

If You’ll … Then I’ll …

There are frequently hidden and unspoken contracts behind actions that you may not be consciously aware of, but affect your life. If you are in a relationship you may say "If you bring me flowers, I'll feel loved" or something similar. Discover more about these hidden contracts and how you can break them.

Do you want to achieve fulfilment, success and true hapiness?

Successful people are often thought of as LUCKY by those who still struggle for success in their chosen field of endeavour.

Maybe it's just that those folks who are successfull spend more of their time doing what they enjoy doing and what they do best.

What do you enjoy doing? What do you do best?

If you do not enjoy what you are doing then it is less likely that you will find success!

Develop A Belief System That Works For You

Most of us carry with us beliefs that were given to us by others. As we grew up, we had a number of influences who shaped the way that we think. Some of what we were taught is useful and serves us well. However, there is a lot that we carry with us that causes us great harm. Until we analyze our belief system, we will not be able to create the life that we truly desire.

Conceptions in Healing the Hidden Self

Developing our concepts will assist us with conjuring up new ideas and perceptions that lead us to healing the hidden self. Through theorizing, shuffling, and developing new ideas we can change our view on life by changing our main beliefs and perceptions.

The common human must consistently maneuver through the healing process by re-training selves to think positive and seek success. Believing that you have the power within to success will assist you with approaches you will need to take....
