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Posts tagged as “tension”

How Stress Increases Productivity?

Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. As Hans Selye (who coined the term as it is currently used) noted, "Without stress, there would be no life". However, just as distress can cause disease, it seems plausible that there are good stresses that promote wellness. Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or election can be just stressful as losing, or more so, but may trigger very different biological responses.

Stress Increases Productivity


Good Stress And Bad Stress

The stress response of the body is somewhat like an airplane readying for take-off. Virtually all systems (eg, the heart and blood vessels, the immune system, the lungs, the digestive system, the sensory organs, and brain) are modified to meet the perceived danger.

Trembling Pounding Heart
With trembling and a pounding heart, we can find it difficult to execute precise, controlled skills. And the intensity of our focus on survival interferes with our ability to make fine ...

Customized Stress Ball For Stress Relief!

This article is mainly about Stressballs and how you can get a customized one just for yourself or for your loved one. Many companies will custom decorate these Stressballs with your name or message. A Better Idea has nearly a hundred designs for your custom printed stress ball needs. With designs ranging from classic round stress balls, to more customized designs, custom printed stress balls will fit any occasion and are inimitably addictive. Custom stress balls not only rel...

Anxiety And Stress – Use Nlp And Overcome Them And Relax

More than ever, scientific surveys are proving the primary role played by stress in causing and aggravating various physical and emotional disorders. In the June 6, 1983 issue of Time Magazine, the cover story labeled stress "The Epidemic of the Eighties." The article also mentioned that stress is our prominent health issue. Indeed it is unquestionable that the world has become more and more complicated and stressful in the past 25 years since that article was written.


Be Happy! Why Worry?

Worry is silent killer. Nothing is solved by worrying. Worrying about past is futile, worrying about future is folly. JUst act in the present. Worry…
