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Posts tagged as “vibration”

Healing Hopeless Relationships

“My husband and I were planning our divorce. Now we’re planning our reconciliation.” “For years, my teenage son and I were at odds with each…

How Often Each Day Should I Read or Say My Desire Statement?

Once you create a Desire Statement, you have completed step 1 and 2 of the three step Law of Attraction formula. Now your work is to Allow. Spend most of your time and energy there. Keep finding proof that you are manifesting something that is in alignment to your desire. When you celebrate and acknowledge something you have manifested, this proof helps remove the doubt and negative vibrations that prevent you from receiving your desire.

Abundance is a feeling

On my fridge, I have 15 – 2 dollar winning lottery tickets. So I can clearly and truthfully say I won the lottery 15 times…
