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Posts tagged as “workplace stress”

Relieve Stress At Work 5 Quick And Easy Tips

Stress at work is inevitable. You can't stop it from coming, but you can change the way you handle it. Instead of having a meltdown right in the middle of the office, why not try one of these 5 quick and end easy stress reducers?

Take A Break.

It's easy to let your feelings take over when everyone around you seems like an idiot! But, remember, your fellow workers are just trying to get through the day the best they can too.

Instead of losing your cool, try taking a q...

Is Your Job Stressful? Add a Little Harmony

Every job has stress. Some stress is due to the nature of the job, some stress we apply to ourselves, and some stress is caused by those around us, be it demanding bosses, unreasonable customers or unproductive and scheming co-workers. So if workplace stress is a given, then how we handle this stress has a large impact on how well we perform and how much we enjoy our job.
