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Posts tagged as “yoga asanas”

Isn’t It Time To Try Kundalini Yoga?

Although there are many types of yoga, and it may be impractical to try them all, experiencing some of the main branches -- including Kundalini yoga -- will give you a fuller grasp of yoga痴 essence and benefits. Kundalini yoga isn't just another practice, however. It's often referred to as the mother of all yoga, and said to be one of the most powerful forms.

What's more, Kundalini yoga is a little different from other practices. Most forms of yoga concentrate on the body...

Benefits And Importance Of Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is known as the snake or cobras pose because it reflects the look of a raised hood. As you raise your head along with your chest it represents a snake hood. The rest of the body lies down representing the body of the snake. This asana can be one of the best asanas for your back as well as your spine.

Inhaling and exhaling plays a very important part in this or any other asanas. Bending and stretching of your back may differ between individuals. As some has th...

Benefits And Importance Of Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Vrksasana is a tree pose which means you are standing with your hand raised towards the sky. Adho Mukha Vrksasana can be termed as a tilted tree pose where in your hands are supporting the entire body weight. This asana when done by beginners has to be done very carefully as balancing yourself on your hand cannot be that easy.

To make it easier it would be better for you to take support of a wall, helping you to overcome your fear of falling while doing this asana. There a...

Benefits And Importance Of Adho Mukha Svanasana

When we take each word of this asana and look for the meaning it comes out to be a very simple word. “Adho Mukh” means facing downwards and “Svana” means a dog. This would mean facing downwards dog pose. This pose matches to a dog that stretches himself with its front and back legs. Therefore this name has been attached to this asana.

Many asanas has its importance and this asana can be termed as one of the most commonly done asanas. As we all know that every yoga asana ha...
