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Posts tagged as “yoga poses”

Yoga Positions for Beginners

The only way to keep up with the latest about Yoga Positions for Beginners is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about Yoga Positions for Beginners, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.

Isn’t It Time To Try Kundalini Yoga?

Although there are many types of yoga, and it may be impractical to try them all, experiencing some of the main branches -- including Kundalini yoga -- will give you a fuller grasp of yoga痴 essence and benefits. Kundalini yoga isn't just another practice, however. It's often referred to as the mother of all yoga, and said to be one of the most powerful forms.

What's more, Kundalini yoga is a little different from other practices. Most forms of yoga concentrate on the body...

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga through meditation works remarkably to accomplish harmony and helps the mind work in synchronization with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusions and conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us?

Benefits And Usefulness Of Trikanasana

Trikanasana is also known as the Triangle Pose. As and when you look at the asana you can easily notice why this name has been given to this asana. It works out every muscle of your body from the arms to the legs. It is a great way to shed some of the excess weight you have been carrying all along.

This asana helps all those have been struggling with weight problem. If you are looking for a good figure and a curved waist line, this is the pose to do. It helps in curing rh..

Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar – Part III

We have known the importance and benefits of the first six Ashtanga Namaskar Poses. We will conclude the Ashtanga Namaskar Yoga Asana series with the remaining six asanas.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Inhale - Om Hiranayagarbhaaya Namah

Benefits: This asana is very useful to keep your back in the fittest position. The spinal region becomes strong and very agile. This asana helps in creating a healthy circulation for your back. It tones your body as well as the spinal ...

Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar – Part II

As we must have learnt that this is a very elaborate pose and one article would not be able to suffice the integral issues it happens to help us deal with. The 12 poses of Ashtanga Namaskar is very crucial as each and every asana has to be done in a very specific manner which helps to create its usefulness to your body

These are the six pose we will try to know about

1. Pranamasana (prayer pose)
Normal Breathing - Om Mitraaya Namaha

Benefits: Many of your waist an...

Benefits And Importance Of Ashtanga Namaskar – Part I

This asana is also known as Surya Namaskar Asana or Sun Salutation Asana. It is a combination of 12 postures and each posture provides its unique benefits. The essence of this asana is salutation of the Sun god, which is power source of all the energy in this world. So in process to salute the sun god it also helps our body. This asana becomes very important due to the valuable part it plays with our lives. The composition of these poses in its own different way helps in crea...

Benefit of Yoga Part I

Yoga has many benefits for natural health that can have a profound effect on your mind, body and spirit. You may be surprised by the multitude of ailments that can be remedied by including Yoga into your daily life.
