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Posts published in “Happiness”


The Dance of Life

Life's ups and downs gotcha confused? Saying "No" when you really want to say YES!? Has life dried up and become stale? Did you stop dancing? Take a peek and rediscover a part of yourself lost in your mind.

The Culture of Excess

We live amid a culture of conspicuous consumption.
We surround ourselves with more than what we need.
Does this make you happy? Or do you spend sleepless
nights worrying about dollars and cents?

Tend To Your Own Happiness

Many of us wish for more happiness. We want to lead happier, more fulfilling, lives, but the sad truth is that so many of us that wish for more happiness spend much more time tending the happiness of others than we do tending to our own happiness.

Happiness does not simply happen. A person does not suddenly stumble across happiness. Happiness is the result of careful tending and a person who wishes to be happy must tend to their own happiness.

Tending to your happiness ...

Supreme Self-Esteem

Ever wondered what it is about those people that have self-esteem and those that don't? Would you like more self-Esteem? The read on...

Stop Waiting On Your Life

Stop waiting on your life! The only difference between you and the people who are getting what they want, is that they kept moving and you didn’t. Here are some ideas to help get you started again.
