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Posts published in “Religion, Spirituality”

Traverse the diverse landscapes of religion and spirituality. Explore how various beliefs and practices contribute to personal growth, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries.

Jesus Loves Me

"When you get this concept into your mind and heart it will totally revolutionize your life." That's just the way the Lord said it to me. And just what is this revolutionary concept? His all-consuming, unconditional love for me. (And each of you can say the same.)

How much of the Bible is literally true?

A lot of people think we have to believe the Bible literally or not at all. Others think the Bible contains only stories, myths, or legends. What's the real deal? Is there literal truth in the Bible?

The literally true writings in the Bible are generally in the form of telling about historical events, even if it's written about differently than we write about history today. Can we believe the Bible when it comes to its history?

Hey, Get the Phone! (It’s for You!)

I'm sure that, like me, if you've been a Christian for any length of time you've had moments when the hair stood up on the back of your neck; when you've gotten "goose bumps"; when the arrangement of events have led you unmistakably to the conclusion that HE HAS SPOKEN. But I realize that what I really want is not these encounters which may come only once in a lifetime if at all but, instead, the regular, intimate relationship with God that Adam and Eve had with Him in the Garden.

Here I Am (Gulp!), Lord!

"Here I am, Lord
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go, Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart"

A few years ago my dear friend, Robbie, gave me new insight into the significance of this song. We must have been singing it in a service and I told her how much I liked it. She said something like, "But have you ever thought about what you're saying when you sing this song?"

And, therein, lies the beginning of another journey with the Lord...

Help Others Find Inner Peace

People with pessimistic attitudes go through their lives fighting their thoughts and emotions every day. If they are rejected for a job position, they feel that they are not good enough to have any job. They start to think that everyone believes they are stupid, and the cycle of pessimism traps them into psychological immobility. In fact, everyone experiences rejection at some time during their lives, but when your mind focuses on the negative aspects of a situation, it is ha...
