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Posts tagged as “anxiety”

Anxiety – Americanization ( Part 1 )

Along an island in the North Sea,five miles from the Dutch Coast,stretches a dangerous ledge of rocks that has proved the graveyard of many a vessel sailing that turbulent sea. On this island once lived a group of men who, as each vessel was wrecked, looted the vessel and murdered those of the crew who reached shore. The government of the Netherlands decided to exterminate the island pira tes,and for the job King William selected a young lawyer at The Hague.

"I want you to...

Anxiety: A Lack Of Reality

Brent started to work with me after his wife, Carla, suddenly decided to leave the marriage. They had been married five years and Brent thought everything was fine. Then Brent became ill and Carla withdrew. And then she was gone.

Brent was devastated. He loved Carla and wanted her back. However, he soon learned that she had not been honest with him, even from the beginning of their relationship. He learned that she had been more interested in his money than in him. She was...


Anxiety can be defined as emotions which are typically negative in nature. It will often consist of fear and worry, and some organisms may even experience physical signs such as nausea or chest pains.

Alleviating Anxiety With Zensight Process

Similar in some ways to hypnosis - and yet no hypnosis is used - Zensight Process is a self-help energy work technique that emphasizes the use of visualization together with "healing statements" in order to rapidly yet gently heal concerns.

This article outlines the basic steps taken in healing even persistent and pervasive experiences of anxiety.

A Healthy Diet to Beat Anxiety

Studies have shown that having a healthy diet may

reduce signs and symptoms of anxiety. One can relieve

tension and manage stress better by what a person

does and does not eat. This article focuses on

changing the diet plans of a person so he or she can

live an anxiety-free life.

115 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Book Review

Mike Marcoe writes from first hand experience in his book 115 Ways to Reduce Anxiety, providing advice from the view of one who has traveled the road of anxiety for a long time, undergoing therapies and combing through mountains of research. His experience has resulted in this self-help guide to people looking for ways to manage their condition in a proactive and healthy manor...

Stress Relief – Self Reliance ( Part 18 )

Hudson and Behring accomplished so much in their fishing-boats as to astonish Parry and Franklin, whose equipment exhausted the resources of science and art. Galileo, with an opera-glass, discovered a more splendid series of celestial phenomena than any one since. Columbus found the New World in an undecked boat. It is curious to see the periodical disuse and perishing of means and machinery which were introduced with loud laudation a few years or centuries before. The great ...
