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Posts tagged as “life coach”

Make Procrastination Work for You

Procrastination is the art of doing something else when there are more important things to do. There is a way to make procrastination work for you. Since all of us have this skill to varying degrees of proficiency we might as well put it to use.

Burn the Ships

It is tempting to retreat to safety and comfort when challenges and difficulties arise. To avoid turning around and abandoning your goals, you must make going forward more compelling then going back.

Allow Time For Germination

New ideas can take time to get used to. When we first hear the idea we may not be ready for it. That is fine. When you are ready the idea will sprout and grow and be there for you.

The Power of Positive Thinking.

Just imagine, look at yourself as a winner in every situation, you control your mind, you do not let any situation fool you...
Do you know the real difference between the sleepers and the awakes? And who you are let's discover the shocking truth in our powerful case study...
