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Posts tagged as “life”


The problem is, lots of of those people carried the disappointment they felt from learning that they couldn't do the jobs that they wanted as babies into their adult lives.

How High Is Your Bar?

When faced with something well within your comfort zone, how do you respond? Do you do enough to get by, or do you turn it up a notch to do more than expected?

You Are The Actor or Actress Of Your Own Story

Many thinkers and writers, both past and present, have described human beings in this world as actors and actresses on a big stage, this life, to one great play. Ask yourself, what role are you playing? Who's writing your script? Are you acting out your own story? Or are you simply going through the motions in someone else's play?

What is Important in Life?

No matter how much wealth we manage to accumulate in this world, it is virtually useless without good health. This is tied closely to the knowledge of our own mortality. Deep down, we all know that we only have a handful of decades on Earth and then it's over.

The solution WITHIN

It's quite amazing how many people go through their lives with very little thought as to where they are heading with it.

Living Profoundly

You want to have an impact in this world. You're consumed by thoughts of achievement, goals, worries, success. So how is your impact? Here's a simple look at the simple truth of what is truly important.

Improve Self Confidence By Being More Care Free

Many people in life feel that they have a lack of confidence or that they have a low self esteem. In this article, I give free tips on how to imporove your self-confidence and how to increase your self-esteem. I myself have managed to change my whole life by using the information below which I am going to share with you. I hope it also proves beneficial for you.
