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Posts tagged as “love”

Finding G-d* in the Details

Are you upset when you run into obstacles on the way to your goal? Don’t be! Kabbalah explains that growth and success are not meant to occur in a smooth linear path, but in a 3-fold process of light-darkness-light. In working with the nitty-gritty details and obstacles along the way to fulfilling a vision that you reveal G-d and your own Divine power in every aspect of your personal life.

Why Do We Hurt Those We Love Most And How To Stop This

We all need energy to live and to survive. As long as you think this energy has to come from other human beings, you will get caught up in struggle. Because human energy is limited. You have to fight for it. It’s the responsibility of each and every person to generate energy by himself and not to depend on other people. Loving another human being is giving him energy! See the difference? Do you want to love your loved ones or steal their energy?

The Dance of Life

Life's ups and downs gotcha confused? Saying "No" when you really want to say YES!? Has life dried up and become stale? Did you stop dancing? Take a peek and rediscover a part of yourself lost in your mind.

Learn How To Love Yourself

What does that mean to love yourself? Loving yourself is building a strong inner connection with yourself. You need to learn how to be a loving parent for yourself. First you need to develop your female energy : your Inner Mother, that part of you that is always caring, loving, accepting and understanding you. You also need to develop your inner masculine energy : your Inner Father, who is there to protect you and to act for you in the outside world.

How to Find Your Real Self Again

On the surface it seems an odd idea that you could actually be anything other than who you really are. But from the time we can talk, we’re being programmed to “fit in”. We find ourselves conforming in order to please the people we love, and who love us.
