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Posts tagged as “prayer”

Coping With Stress, Its Effects On Your Skin And Health, And Turning Back The Clock

Stress comes in many forms, workplace stress, family stress, grief over loss of a loved one, etc... Some can be avoided, but as we know, many cannot. Some people handle stress better than others, and some even thrive onit.Regardless, stress takes its toll.

Stress has been proven to rid your body of many essential vitamins and minerals. Particularly vitamins C, E, and B. This leads to lethargy, lower focussed mental activities (clinically stress causes more erratic brain a...

What Angels Do

Ever wonder what Angels do, and why they do it? Learn to call on them for help.

Pray Without Ceasing

When we get busy in our daily lives, it's easy to think "I'll pray later when I am more relaxed" or "less busy" or "not so tired". That "later" usually doesn't happen.
