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Posts tagged as “relationship”

Shaking the Blues of Depression

Depression is a serious medical illness that can interfere with everyday life. Unfortunately, many people do not recognize that depression is a treatable illness, there are ways that may help take the steps that may save your own or someone elses life.

Depression And Pregnancy: A Mother And Child’s Life Compromised

Pregnancy can be a special moment for expectant mothers and couples. But, it can also be a time for depression among pregnant women. Depression among pregnant women has a lot of causes. This article tries to identify them and provide some factors to help them cope depression during this momentous but also a difficult time in a woman's life.

The Anxiety of the First Date

First dates are important events in relationships. Since they are so important, it may be difficult to be comfortable on a first date. By taking certain steps in your life, you can largely reduce the anxiety of a first date and help this date to be something potentially significant.

Why Can’t Everyday Be Like Christmas

You have all probably heard the song made famous by Elvis Presley called “Why Can’t Everyday be Like Christmas” (words & music by Red West). For many of us the Christmas season is a special time to share the warmth of love and laughter with those we love.

The sad thing is that many people find Christmas a very lonely time of year. They have no family left or friends are few and busy with their lives and families of their own. There are many different circumstances that people find
